Stainless Steel Pools and Aluminum Pools As Round Pools

A stainless steel pool offers the ultimate combination of style and strength. Unlike concrete, which is the standard in most pools, stainless steel is highly durable and resistant to rust, corrosion and UV damage. It is also easy to form into a variety of shapes and designs, making it possible to create an elegant and modern swimming pool without the expensive concrete foundation that traditional pools require.

Because of their durability, many companies that build stainless steel Pools are able to provide custom designs and will work with you to meet your exact requirements. This is especially beneficial in areas with limited building seasons when concrete pools may not be able to be built before harsh weather conditions set in. It also allows you to avoid the lengthy delays that can come with constructing a traditional gunite pool, when a contractor is booked for months ahead of time.

While the majority of swimming pools are made of fiberglass or concrete, stainless steel is a popular alternative that is gaining in popularity due to its longevity and durability. While it may cost more than fiberglass or gunite, a stainless steel pool will generally last twice as long as its resin or aluminum counterpart. In addition to this longevity, a stainless steel pool is more environmentally friendly and requires less water to maintain a proper level of chlorine than other types of pools.

Stainless steel is a versatile material, which is why it’s used in a variety of different applications including kitchen sinks and bathtubs. In the case of a stainless steel swimming pool, it’s also designed to last for decades and to be resilient against a wide range of environmental conditions, from extreme cold to sudden fluctuations in temperature. While this makes it a great choice for use in the backyard, it’s also a perfect material for swimming pools as it’s resistant to salt, chemicals and corrosion.

Although aluminum above ground pools are designed as a rust-free alternative to steel, they do corrode over time, just like a regular steel pool. While this doesn’t impact the structural integrity of the pool, it can cause pinholes in the liner and make the surface rough. You can get aluminum pools that are coated in a special type of protection, though this will add to the overall price of the pool.

Some above ground pools that are constructed with a continuous roll aluminum wall will have stainless steel service panels on the inside of the walls to prevent rust and corrosion from developing in the areas where plumbing and electric are installed. These are a good option when you’re going semi-inground or installing the pool on extremely uneven ground, but they’re not a great idea for a standard above ground pool.

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